I am Abdel Amine Mohammed and I am from Benin. I studied Administration and Political Science, as well as French Philology at the University of Potsdam. My areas of interest include topics of international cooperation, empowerment for Black people and Persons of Color in work contexts, introductory seminars on whiteness awareness for members of the white majority society (also in work contexts), introductory seminars on theories and concepts of various forms of discrimination (racism, sexism, Ableism, anti-Black racism, anti-Muslim racism, Lookism, etc.), German colonial history, as well as various practical projects on migration and community networking. I advise and accompany organizations and associations such as Engagement Global, the exchange programs of the BMZ ASA, ENSA and Weltwärt, as well as those of ICJA freiwilligenaustausch weltweit e.V. and many more.